Sep 25, 2007

Shitty video for a kick ass movie

Ask anyone who knows me and they will probably know I love Big Trouble In Little China. This is my youth, my joy and happiness at high flying kung fu gods coupled with a blundering kurt russell in probably my favorrite role of his. Feel free to enjoy this piece of shit video and try and figure out how the hell it got approved hehehehe.



Anonymous said...

Totally absurd fight sequences but it was probably his funniest role next to Used Cars.

Joker said...

I agree, but I love the movie. It's not bad enough that if I catch it on cable I have to see the whole movie, I bought it. And absurd or not, they're some of the most memorable. Hell I remember putting a laundry basket on my head and karate chopping through the whole house to my family's bemusement. but you know what jack burton always says at a time like this, it's all in the reflexes :D.

And also, absurd might have been the fights, but this video is incomprehensibly bad.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, there's whole class of movies like that. The ones that no matter what time it is, if they're on, I'm watching.

It's my duty as a slave to TBS and FMC.

Joker said...

Remember my list of guilty pleasures? I'm sure we agree on some of those flicks and I just might write a new version of those posts with new movies or just keep going with the guilty pleasures. Oh well. :) laters

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