Aug 2, 2009

Being in the news means nothing...

I remember when my name appeared in three little articles in a publication talking about creativity and whatnot. I was so proud? I was bloody beaming at the thought that moi was included in a real newspaper. Well times passes and feeling jaded just becomes second nature after furious battles lost in the advertising arena. If you have a poor assigned account streak, you get to the point where you feel pure contempt for what you produce.

Just a day and a half ago, I decided to check that creative newspaper coffee talk section and what do I find, another review of a commercial that was painfully lame at best. I read the article and read how such a revolutionary concept was actually freshening up the category... I've seen the commercial, and it's not just that it's been done, but it's been done EXACTLY the same as the one that appeared in the article...

From that same newspaper I've also read two articles that had me scratching my head at best. Turns out that after five years in advertising, I met a lot of people, and I'd just been part of one of the most gossippy industries on the face of the universe. You learn about people that get fired, salaries that get cut, accounts that have or are about to leave agencies, and other juicy bits that just don't add up if you happen to believe in everything the news says.

Hell, I know the news can't be trusted, but WOW, reality and news are really facing in opposite directions so often, that I can't help but wonder how clients even trust us (oh wait, they don't). Every single word I read in those articles was total bullshit and I knew because I have much more reliable sources, which got me to thinking back to the three or so articles I've been a part from, and it dawned on me that apart from making an interesting show and tell object for family members, there is absolutely NO use for being mentioned in a publication other than for ego, bragging, or exposure's sake. So kids, if you ever appear in a news article, don't treat as much, because it isn't.


RestrictionsApply said...

Advertising is not news. It’s what you said it is – gossip. There is nothing newsworthy about who we are or what we do. These so-called business magazines with advertising industry “news” are nothing more than vehicles for the paper’s owners to kiss Marketing VP ass.

Unknown said...

Er, not to be too indiscreet about it, but a significant portion of that stuff is also a New York society circle jerk, not just an industry-insider one.

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