Mar 10, 2010

You might work in advertising....

So Jeff Foxworthy is far from my favorite comic,but he does have a good gimmick ... so trust in a creative to take something that worked elsewhere and apply it to advertising.


1. If carpel tunnel is a career ending injury, you might work in advertising
2. If you forgot what the sun looks like, you might work in advertising.
3. If your children have grown a beard since you last saw them, you might work in advertising.
4. If you punch your ATM number into the microwave, you might work in advertising.
5. If your idea of research is watching ten hours of youtube a day, you might work in advertising.


1. If originality consists of taking one headline from one ad and a visual from another, you might be a creative.
2. If your greatest achievement is winning a prize for a diaper rash ointment ad, you might be a creative.
3. If you need three weeks to come up with a headline, you might be a creative.
4. If you massage a layout for three days citing the creative process as having its own time frame, you might be a creative.
5. If the most creative part of your existence is the shirt you wear, you might work in creative.


1. If your idea of sugar for your coffee includes brandy, you might work in the media department.
2. If you see everything in black and green, you might work in the media department.
3. If your idea of professional development includes holding a keg stand an extra minute, you might work in the media department.
4. If you’ve lost more than 5 pairs of underwear at happy hours, you might work in the media department.
5. If you chug your Listerine to freshen your breath “from the inside”, you might work in the media department.


1. If your idea of teamwork includes the phrase “Well I never really liked that layout”, you might work in account services.
2. If you need something done rush just before you have another thing done rush but without forgetting that one thing that needed to be done rush, you might work in account services.
3. If you have a nervous breakdown when your Blackberry or iPhone runs out of battery, you might work in account services.
4. If you’ve had staplers, shoes, notebooks or an entire telephone set thrown at you, you might work in account services.
5. If you ask your twelve year old for insight in their demographic, you might work in account services.


Anonymous said...

This was one of the best posts you've written yet! Loved it!

Joker said...

Awww hun you made my day with that comment. By the way, I absolutely LOVE your Addchick logo. Keep the excellent blogness.

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