May 4, 2011

Fortune Cookie 500#'s 496-500

Well we got to the finish people. I'd offer up some words to finish up this long series of posts, but it would sound like some bullshit Oscar acceptance speech. I will say that this exercise has helped me put a lot of things into perspective and I just hope you've enjoyed this particular series. There are various others I haven't finished like the Diary of an Advertising Intern and the Adventures of Soppy Copy... Who knows, I may actually get motivated to finish those as well. Regardless, thanks for reading and hope you keep enjoying. And now...for the final 5 fortune cookies.


On life
Life is a roller coaster ride and work is the crappy line you have to wait in to enjoy that ride.

On success
Your body is wiser than your brain, always follow your gut.

On love
The fact that you put your career and love in a balance means you need to reprioritize.

On advertising
If most people don’t take your job seriously, why should you?

On fortune cookies
Always remember: knowledge and inspiration can arrive from anywhere.


RestrictionsApply said...

Bravo! (Standing ovation)

Me said...

*Snif* *Snif*

I'm going to miss the cookies...

Bravo my friend. Well done. The last five were just perfect!!!

Mariam said...

Awesome!!! can't believe you wrote all the 500! You guys rock!

Joker said...

Thanks for the sweet comments guys. It was fun to write and interesting to see that I got to the 500 mark. What's the next step? Who the hell knows.

@ Restrictions:

@ Me: No more cookies, but there will be more crazy things so don't fret. Not like any of us can stop writing. :)

@ Mariam: Thanks for the congrats and glad you enjoyed luv. Cheers

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