Sep 1, 2011

Zuckerberg, meet Why Advertising Sucks: We joined Facebook!

Yes. I know. It's been quite a while. We really talked about being or not being there. But hey, we need to make a next step, we need to let our little space in the internet get known and what better place than old blue Facebook? So we're looking for brave new souls that will like our page. Yeah, the writers cannot join it - we really treasure our anonymity - but we promise that we will keep you up to date on all the links as we do on Twitter (WHAT? You are not following us? Now I'm pissed.) If you like our page, by all means share the joy of the WAS hate to your friends! (And yes, I'm wondering who will be our first volunteer... that brave soul that without fear says... I LIKE WAS ON FACEBOOK)


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