Oct 7, 2011

Mac vs PC Ads Collection. Still amazing.


amplex1337 said...

wow what a bunch of propaganda and straight up lies. Just another example of smear tactics in politics. Trying to make your competitors look worse, mostly by taking things out of context or just straight up lies. If apple is so great, why is it that 98% of all home, retail, office, & large & small business in general are windows pcs??????? Not because they are hard to use or don't work as well as apple products. The people that buy into this crap are truly brainwashed, or are too dumb to see that Apple is basically a watered-down aesthetically-pleasing PC for dummies with too much money to blow. Art and music programs have had 10x as many choices on PC as they have Apple for 20 years. For me, PC's 'just work' and always have, because I'm not a moron that needs everything simplified for me.. These ads really show the propaganda the Apple needed to try to overthrow the PC desktop/laptop market.. which they are still failing to do.. thank god. I'd rather not buy a computer at all than support a company like Apple.

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