Nov 30, 2005

Why Advertising Blogs suck. Except this one, dammit.

Yummy. Another theme that makes me happy go lucky. When Advertising Blogs go Wildly... stupid.

Look guys, it's very simple. We started this blog for just one reason. We don't take our jobs very seriously. Well, at least not like doctors or lawyers. I mean, come on! We do ads! Stupid ads that people turn off, mute, pass the page... ADS! We don't save lives, or at least not by selling them Whoppers at 2.99.

That's the problem with advertising blogs. They take so much shit so seriously, it's even funny. Do we really have to examine all the tv spots there are right now in the world? Do we have to know which account switched to another agency? Do we have to talk bull I mean strategy tactics? No way man, we have to talk about where to get a nice beer after we're done our stupid ad. Happy hour!

I've seen many ad blogs since we started. I thought, hey, maybe there are more people out there, braindead from frustration. Maybe they will see our little funny blog and say, hey, there's a nice place I can click on a daily basis and it has no porn (sorry guys). Not one blog appeared the same as ours. Now, after months of ranting, I have found a couple of them (and all because of our readers that either come in that have a similar blog or people that have recommended some links), and they all have the same anger as we do. And why? Because we take the job as it is: lame, underpaid and ironic as hell.

Advertising is not to be taken that much at heart. We help companies make money. That's it Sherlock. Ok, ok. Copy revision! Call the traffic department, stop the presses: once in a while we help save lives by working on a non profit campaign. That's the best part of our job, and we don't even do it that often to begin with.

I mean... let's put it this way: you are working your ass off, day to day. You have million of jobs gathering moss in your desk. You have an AE shitting your daily mantra of being happy. Your creative director simply does not give a damn about your concept because he's trying to get some with the young and naive art director he just hired. What you do want to do? Read about market share and creating more brand awareness?

Or would you rather laugh while reading about wearing a condom so you won't procreate more assholes?

Yeah man, advertising blogs suck. So, only read this one. It's for your own good.


tryanotherusername said...

Let me guess, you're an only child?

Anonymous said...

Only child or not, you hit the nail right on the proverbial head, Me. Very eloquently put.

Anonymous said...

ME, you are right, of course. It's the same as in real life - people who are overly earnest are impossible to bear.

I can't believe that people would set up a blog and then be serious. It's like graffiti-ing the Bible on a wall.

BJ said...

Man, I deal with "serious" B.S. all day - I need to go somewhere where I can congregate with some fellow malcontents and get some comic relief!

You're right - we're NOT saving lives here! I just got back from a 2-day stint at children's hospital (my baby had a serious respiratory virus) and let me assure you, when I look at what those folks are doing there - saving lives, treating kids with cancer, etc., it really puts into perspective just how "important" and "serious" what we do really is!

But on the flip side - while it certainly is in no way an altruistic profession, there is definitely never a dull moment, and it also provides constant fodder for both blog-bitching, and well as just general amusement at how stupid some things/people are!

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