Jan 19, 2006

Screw Ticketmaster!

This pisses me off. Sorry, media gals, but I'm PISSED off: THE MEDIA DEPARTMENT HAS TICKETS FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT TO SEE! Damn me to hell! Every concert, movie premiere, art gallery shindig... even a damn picnic at the park. If you wanna go, I can bet that your Media department is already going. This department can be as powerful as any Ticketmaster, I promise.

Damn girls (haven't seen a man dude at media, still. Sorry)!!! Share the wealth! There are people in other departments that are dying to see some cool ass shit as Cirque du Soleil... Audioslave... Hey, there are even ass wipes who are dying to see David David Hasselhoff Live, really!

I know most media gives this to you to romance some cool media plans out of you... but trust us, it helps to give us a ticket or two once in a while. Come on... you get to have nice Happy Hours every other day. You have cool radio or Tv companies buying you lunch on a regular basis. We creatives have... nothing. Nada. Niente. If there are lunches or Happy Hours made for creatives, please, take a picture and send it to us. It will be history in the making. Trust me.

So yeah, media gals out there. If you have tickets for anything, please, remember the poor shmucks in the creative department - without our crappy ads... where would you be? A blank page, my friend... a blank page...


Anonymous said...

I still use a special media gal contact at Hill Holliday to get tickets to just about anything I want. And I haven't worked there in years. Every creative worth his or her salt knows to flirt with the media people at every opportunity. The occasional birthday card and flowers doesn't hurt either.

BJ said...

Hold up! I beg to differ on this one. I have given tickets to SOME concert or event to EVERY member of our agency staff several times over this past year. All the way from the president of the agency, to the receptionist. I went to ONE concert last year - Dave Matthews, and sorry, it is well known that this is the only show that I personally have first dibs on - but I still got several extra pairs for traffic, AE's, etc. Also, I have several clients who ask for tickets to almost every show, so they of course come first. So, seriously, in my case - I do indeed share the wealth. Do you guys ASK your media department for tickets? Anonymous has a point. If you don't ask the media folks, you'll never get anything! But I am aware of some media folks at agencies in my market that demand tickets to EVERY SINGLE concert or event. These are also the same folks that get taken out to lunch by reps 4 out of 5 days a week. (I usually go to a rep lunch about once every 2 months or so - literally. Usually, I just wolf down a sandwich in 15 minutes at my desk.) So I guess every media department is different, but I know that when folks ask me for something, I almost always come through. So the moral of the story, is buddy up with somebody in the media department and be sure to ASK them for tickets! You'll be surprised at how many folks will come through for you!

PS - we media folks do deserve SOME perks, such as tickets and lunches as stuff, as we never get any "big ups" or "props" or "glory" for anything, right? (referencing Joker's post re: media folks earlier this week...)

Me said...

Mediabeach, you are the exception to the rule, trust me. Where I have worked (and I've been to a couple of hells I mean ad agencies), NONE of the Media gals I've met have given me cool tickets for anything. And I was cool friends with a whole lot of them.

For example. I once wanted to go to a concert really bad and everyone knew I loved that band. It was almost a joke at the agency, how I loved those guys. I begged and begged my media friend to hook me up. Never happened.

So, later in the week, I saw photos of the concert. And what do I see? The media gal who didn't get me tickets... at the VIP section. Can you please kill me?

I usually ask once in a while to see what happens, but trust me, I know the ending. It's not happy.

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