Feb 23, 2006

Meet Mr. Know it All

Today I was talking to a friend I hadn't seen in a long time. He was telling me that he quit his job, because he worked with... someone I knew. Mr. Know it All. Mr. I know more than you. Mr. It's my way or the highway. Yup, a complete asshole. The funny thing is? I know the bastard. I used to date him. So I know what he's talking about. My friend is completely right for quitting his job and moving somewhere else. It's difficult to work with someone who thinks he is the king of his domain... when actually, he sucks.

In many ways and not just because he's a lousy lay. REVENGE IS BEST SERVED... You know.

When I learned that he was working there, I thought... Uh oh. Maybe he will not be happy. I know I wasn't and I'm talking only about working with the guy. You see, when you are working with a creative who thinks Cannes was made because of him, it's very difficult to get something done.

I used to fight with him, long after we had our "thing", because he used to call me to work some odd jobs with him. We used to meet at a nice crowded place - that way I felt secure enough to know that he woudn't try to show his penis or something - and talk about ads. So, I came in with my black drawing notebook and drew away some stuff. I tried to give my opinions, talk about what could be a cool idea. Um... But what about this idea, he would say. Yeah, cool, that could work if you do this and that... but listen to what I have to say, I would retort. Nothing. My idea is better, and that is my final answer. Write it down. If it wasn't HIS idea, it just wasn't discussed at all.

I'm no damn secretary, small donger man!

This is the last time I worked with him. I told him that he just wasn't a partner. I didn't feel like we were brainstorming. I was there to take some notes, to proof his stuff and maybe, just maybe, I would drink enough beers to maybe show a boob or something. Why do men think we are so easy? You treat me like shit and actually think I would want you back?


I know deep in my heart he will not achieve lots of things in his work, because this is a huge flaw. Not only that, if he keeps not seeing his faults, he will never acknowledge them at all, and still live in La La Land. He will not change for the better. No one will want to work with him for long, and he will not grow as a creative because other people's inputs are key in this business.

So, good for my cool ass friend. May you find somewhere nice to work in, go home early and maintain a great relationship with your lovely wife.

He didn't deserve you. I should know, he didn't deserve me.


Joker said...

It's not just advertising. We just live in this shithole and know the fungus hat wreaks beneath. Banks, Law Firms, Marketing Agencies, hospitals, you name the industry and there's a fierce pack of assholes to be dealt with.

If you're wondering which industry/ies aren't chock full of asshole try people in printing (haven't met many assholes there) and..... well that's about it for me. I know at least 10 assholes from Law, Engineering, Aquitecture, Medicine, Marketing, Production and of course... Advertising.

And although I may not know my quota of assholes in printing, something tells me there's a couple as well. Because assholes are universal.

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