Feb 28, 2006

Somewhere in this world there is a woman with balls.

Hey! This is not a post about he-she's or transexuals. I'll leave that post to the resident sex expert, my lovely Joker. I'm talking about someone who has balls. Guts. Courage. Determination. This is a great story, I just got it by an anonymous post, and I'll do my best to protect identities. But, this story, well I just had to write about it.

I have just been informed that there is a great chick out there who hated her job, big time. She was being taken for granted. Ladies and gentlemen, step right up, and see the amazing art department woman! She has been working at this shit for almost 15 years! Look! Gasp and see how her boss has her doing simple adaptations while she is capable of doing much much more! Make her a creative team with someone? No way! This is what she has to do, period!

We all live in the circus of advertising, and, face it, bosses sometimes are just dumb mother fuckers with no clue, whatsoever.

So, what did the dudette do? She quit. Nope, not to go to another agency. She was so pissed off, that she quit with NO JOB. She left knowing that maybe, just maybe, she will have some tough times ahead. She didn't care. She motherfucking quit. That is growing some balls, my friends. She'd leave and start from scratch and be happy rather than staying and being miserable. Honey, if you are reading this, if only so many other people had half the scrotum you have. Things would be much better in this world.

Leaving on a Jet Plane... A theme we've discussed 'till we are blue in the face. Screw it, I'm at it again. You see, I love when people do something radical with their lives. I just feel enormously proud of people who can just walk away from a bad situation, because they have learned, deep in their hearts, that they deserve better. Those are people with courage. And why do I say this? Because sometimes fear of the unknown mixed with a batch of uncertainty of what's to come make people stay. And I say this because I did it.

I was at a bad job and a bad relationship. Jeez, I was at many bad jobs. And the fear of doing something about it, the fear of passing through a bad time prevented me from being happy. So one glorious day, something happened in me. I got a nice, hairy ballsack. I grew some balls, big time. I saw myself down there and I thought... Shit, this is it. This is the moment in my life when I will not take one day more of me being miserable.

I went home that Thursday and told my husband I was leaving. Sorry dude, but after 12 years of being together, I just don't love you anymore. This will not work between us. I want to be happy with someone else. And I want you to find someone who will love you as I can't do, so you can have the opportunity to be happy. If you need me for something, I'll be at a hotel. Pack your bags or I will, but I'm leaving to be happy.

Two weeks pass. I sit down at my low life job. Write down my resignation letter. Take a deep breath and head to my boss. Sorry dude, but after some years of being together, I just don't like the agency anymore. This will not work between us. I want to be happy at some other ad agency. And I want you to find someone better to do my job as I can't do, so you can have the opportunity to make more money. If you need me for anything, I'll be at another agency. I packed my bags, so you can bitch about my vacation check, but I'm leaving to be happy.

Two "divorces" with one bullet. Thank you very much.

Are there more people out there who are miserable? Trust me, you have a choice. You can be miserable there and hang on, or you can start over and find happiness. You can come up with as many excuses for staying as you want. But they are all excuses. If it's not working now, don't be naive to think it will get better soon. It won't. Life is passing you by. Time is a wastin'. You might think it's impossible. You are dead wrong. It's easy. The only thing you need is determination. And balls.

Whining or doing something about it are just two different things. Sorry to tell you the truth, but then, what am I here to do?

As for this chick: congratulations, my friend. This is the step to a better life. Enjoy it.


Joker said...

And there's probably a man out there who loves getting tea bagged by it. Hey with all the coaxing I had to give my congrats in usual fashion he he he he. all the best, onward and enjoy life. It's always a pleasure to see someone who got fed up with it to say ah fuck it and just go for it.

Anonymous said...

Balls...ain't that funny. What about the people with responsiblities. People with children and mortgages. People with car payments and loans. People who need the paycheck to get by...often times they have no choice or very limited choices. What if you live in a small market and jobs in advertising are few and far between. Are they supposed to just quit? I say bullshit. Fighting the good fight doesn't mean we don't have balls. Sometimes pride is not a priority.

Me said...

Hey, some situations are not the same. But trust me, there are opportunities out there. I had all the responsabilities you name, each and everyone of them, sans kids. And I fought my way out there as much as I could. I even applied to a regular job as an option rather than staying there.

You must have misunderstood me. Pride is not the priority. You are absolutely right.

It's Happiness.

Joker said...

You have a great point. Sometimes people don't have a choice but to fight the good fight. But I know of people who do have options, who do have potential and have simply fallen in a lull due to lack of backbone. That's not to say some people stay at jobs they hate for highly commendable reasons. The thing is that some people do have the chance to bite the bullet and don't. Often times a regular poster says that he's in a Catch-22, and he's hardly the only one. Quitting can actually backfire massively if the market is small enough. Both are equally poetic in their own right and commendable as well.

Anonymous said...

Well is not easy...I was telling the ballsy woman you mention (I have the honor to know her and party with her), that if I wasn't so deep in debts I would do the same. But at the same time she gave me the inspiration to be less scare and move fucking on!!!!

Anonymous said...

just as long as you realise that the grass may not be greener elswhere I see no problems with that.

Just be aware...

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