Apr 26, 2006

It's that time of the month again...

Nooo. I don't need my Midol, thank you very much. It's just time to do that special thing we like to call "WAS DAY"! Yeah! A day that you simply goof off at work! A day that you don't give a shit if you don't deliver that special ad that is going to save humanity! Stick it to the man!

Ok, so now I'll give you a list of things you can do to celebrate this great day, which is to be celebrated on Friday, April 28. Yes. THIS FRIDAY, you can:

• Play Solitaire until your mac crashes (if you have a pc... you are in hell and you must pay for your sins)

• Give the middle finger to anyone who comes in with a job. Sorry Traffic Girls. You are also supposed to be celebrating and not working. Don't screw it up for creative, dammit. Try to think up of great excuses for not handing jobs on friday. Be creative! (Pun intended)

• Doodle all day long and send in all the scans you can. The most doodles in a day (DONE BY HAND, no computer this time) wins a round of beers. We're not paying, your boss is.

• Write an essay on how you can annoy your boss on a daily basis. Then, do it.

• Even better! Write a damn post for us to include in the blog! Haven't you read our pleas for more writers? We get so lonely...

• Read Archive and Communication Arts all day long. That way, your boss thinks you are doing research. But secretly... try to match the ads you see there with copycats you know back at home. You'll be amazed at what you find.

• Just open Limewire and... well. Let's just say that Metallica's argument that they are losing money doesn't ring a bell of truth. How nice it is to share, isn't it?

• Send in your favorite tv ads and I'll try to find them and post them here so we all can see what cool tv ads look like.

• Do you think that someone is missing out on this blog? You must have friends that are missing out on the fun. Open up your email program of choice and send our link to all your buddies. You will make someone so happy... or mad as hell. Whatever, we just need more readers so start sending!!!

• Shave your privates just to see what happens. At work, this time. Hillarious!

So yeah. Remember. This Friday, stick it to two men: your boss and your clients. Have fun!


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