Jun 4, 2006

Fact: Some of our readers don't get the point.

This is for all those people out there who post comments saying that we should stop yapping and change jobs if we don't like it that much.

Screw you, you don't understand.

First of all, we're all here because, yes, we do hate some parts of our job. But that's not a reason to say we're all unhappy campers who wish for something better to do. Here's the fact, jack: we love our jobs. We love what we do. Most of all, we come together in this blog of hatred because we love our jobs so much, we bitch about people who make it difficult for us to do it. Haven't you noticed we bitch about OTHERS? Stupid AE's. Dumb fuck CD's. Ignorant and not prepared clients. We sometimes even love, love, loooove to bitch about creatives, which we are all here (at least most of the writers), just because they sometimes also suck testicles by being true cliches.

We bitch and moan, get angry to the point of daydreaming of being postal because we care about what we do, and we get angry when people little by little make our lives and ads worse by the minute. I can bet the few hundred dollars I have in my bank account that if we could eliminate dumb people, being the coworkers or clients, this blog would be written like... hell, like Adweek or something. Oh, and another thing. We'd all win big prizes and have an amazing portfolio of actual printed stuff.

You see, we all bought the story. When we started out - at least some of us who have years under our belts - we believed that we were going to live the ad life. And when dumb fucks try to destroy that dream, we get angry. We truly want our honeymoon phase back. That's why we blog ourselves to death here, every single damn day, because we all find something that annoys the shit out of us.

Like Matt Damon said... How do you like THEM apples?


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