Feb 7, 2007

Meet the Jackass.

Let's start with the basics. You know that in your agency or at your client's office there is always a... how can I put this... dumb cocky asshole. You know the ones. They think they are the shit. They even try their best to do the trend thing. They have the perfect life, marriage or whatever... And most of all, they know everything. Any input you might give them is like air, it just there and they don't see it. Ah... what would we do without them.

Anyway, now that you know who I am talking about, let's give you a story that a friend of mine told me. Enjoy.

There is a big pitch. This is major stuff. The work has been done to perfection, the campaign is totally on strategy. This is a win win situation, or so they thought. There is no way in hell that this won't work. Everybody is happy, it's the day before the big thing. In walks asshole master blaster. I have a great idea and I want you to include it in your presentation.

Let's see what is is!

Um. Ugh. Um. (Huge sigh). Well... um.

Just in case you are wondering, the creative team was speechless. This was a terrible idea. So tacky, so boring, so done already... How bad? I will give you a great one that can substitute perfectly his (I can't say the real deal, sorry): Let's do a tv spot with a jingle; (he proceeds to play What the world needs now is love) where all people are singing while holding hands at a mountain and then, doves will fly out of the center and make the logo at the end.

Crappy enough, right?

They were in serious jeopardy, because all you need is a shitty idea to destroy a perfect campaign. What to do, what to do. Well, ignoring stuff works from time to time. You can always say you forgot, no? Next day comes. Big presentation on its way. Everybody is smiling. We love it, they say. But of course, the team thought.

In comes Jackass. Idea in hand. He blurts it out. Everyone shuts up. Why? Shame. It was so crappy you could feel the shame all over the conference room. They were in shock that he actually wanted to share this stupid idea, that he thought that it was the bomb... but actually it made him look bad. Way bad. Moron bad. Low IQ bad. Good thing this client knows a thing or two and knows that in every meeting there is a person who truly should not be there, but since he has talent in the I can kiss your ass better than anyone department, he's there.

Why is this a law of life? I have mine. All my ad friends (how crappy that sounds) have one or even more of those. How is it possible that bosses don't see the true crap flowing from their mouths? Do you ever wonder this yourself? How is it that you plainly see the lack of potential so much and your boss can't? Besides... what do they do to stay there? I know that some manipulate information to look good, but I find it difficult to believe that the truth will not come out one day soon.

I wish that one CEO would write back and explain this one, 'cause this question has burned my soul for many years...


Anonymous said...

Any person who presents a "concept" (that jingle idea sounds more like a bowel movement, but whatever) to a client that hasn't been approved by the creative director beforehand should be fired on the spot. Period.

And badly breaten by the creative team. I mean Quentin Tarantino-style beat-down.

And then fired again.


(Sorry to have been away for so long. Travel don't ya know.)

Me said...

Dude! Hey! Long time no see!

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