Apr 2, 2008

I'm a light Catholic for a reason

So Good Friday passed and like many people of the Christian or Catholic religious denomination, I didn't eat meat and as many people, I ask myself, does it make that huge a difference if I do or don't eat meat on Good Friday? Or let me clarify my take on this one, if God does in fact exist and this particular take on religion got it right, do you really think God gives a shit if you eat a burger? Honestly, it almost invites people to be assholes all year round as long as they eat fish or veggies for one day of the year. All sins forgiven, you're ok in the "good book".

True, this isn't the first time someone has brought this forth, but guess what, it won't be the last because though the intentions are pure (not), it still doesn't make any sense when you think about it. Regardless of your denomination, everyone has a right to follow the path that leads to supposed enlightenment, happiness or what have you. That being said, some people buy into their religion of preference and follow certain mandates without question. Though the ten commandments can be made a case of how relevant they are to people in general, they're supposed to be guidelines to have people behave and to promote the religion AKA love your one true god etc. Apart from that, there are a couple of things that certain religions say you have to do in x or y moment and sometimes, well they're a little whacky, case in point, no meat on Good Friday.

Why do I bring this up? Well apart from the fact that it was Good Friday, I actually know people who insist that if you don't go to church or if you do something silly, like eat meat on a day like THAT day, you're going to hell. Joy... Can you imagine the line of people in line saying something on the lines of: "This is bullshit."

Last I checked God wasn't a vegan and hell if women also came from a rib, we can sure as hell have one on Good Friday to commemorate the Creation of Woman right? Hell we can also get hammered with wine because we're commemorating the miracle of Jesus of turning water into wine. Hell we can spend a day watching Weekend at Bernies to celebrate the Apocalypse because on that day the dead will walk, and what better thing than to have them walk with a jamaican steel band playing in the background for Mr. Lomax?

Why do I bring this up? Because I'm atheist? No. I always say I'm agnostic because I'm a pussy atheist as some people say and I just doubt most things, have my own theories, and think that though some of what we're sold holds water, the treatment and down playing of women pisses me off. Really, why the fuck does Lot get away yet his wife becomes the rim of a margarita glass? not to mention the stoning of women and the fact that from the flesh of men came a woman and that thanks to that cunt of Eve, we all have to pay for her original sin. And then the treatment of gay people and that they're all going to hell. Well if that's true, then might we begin with about 75% of the Greek population that educated themselves at times by treating apprentices like PC's that need to get jacked by their jump drive, bareback style.

By the way, I'm not Catholic or Christian bashing, I'm just saying that sometimes I don't get the shit we celebrate and the culmination of Easter to commemorate the death of christ is doing a scavenger hunt for tye dyed chocolate filled eggs layed by bunnies.... I think I can rest my case but if anyone wants to offer logical explanations for that or the no meat thing, feel free to do so. If not then we can always celebrate some new religious festivity by fishing out dingle berries from a miniature shnouzer in january to celebrate the finding of the Northern Star or instead we can have all guys finger bang a female partner to try to find the G Spot and have them call out to God because lord knows that some women getting satisfaction is a more impressive miracle than anything we've seen this past century.


Lucila said...

What happens here is that people goes to extremes and follow everything they are told like blinded sheeps. Is not about pushing aside meat. Good Friday is the last day of the 40 days of lent, fasting and praying before Easter. Catholics are not the only religion that does this...actually catholics copied it.

Remember the movie 40 days and 40 night? He gave up sex for lent, that was his sacrifice. But today the real concept was lost somewhere in the people's mind. That's why the ignorant comment of if you ate meat on Good Friday you are doomed.

Why meat? Because back in the days meat was a luxury. So is not a stupid idea at all...is just that like times it has to change. For me a real sacrifice would be eating a goddamn can of nasty "Carmela" sausages.

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