Oct 1, 2009

Behind the Ads: Truth #1 - You are not a harbinger of creativity

Before you get into advertising, please accept the fact that you will not change the world with your ads. Also, don’t think advertising is an art form because the more you think of it that way, the more disappointed you will be when reality sets in. Just in case, I’m not saying don’t be creative and don’t work with passion. Nay I say to that. But nay I ALSO say to thinking that everyday you’re going to create something magnificent. Thinking this way will only guarantee that you will become dejected after only months in your new job.

The thing is that each and every single day you work at an agency somebody will insist that your job is a crusade towards creative glory. That you will have to reinvent the wheel and that you are part of an ever changing industry that demands fresh new ideas. What they fail to mention once you get in is that if the client demands out of the box thinking but only approves inside the box concepts, guess what you’ll end up submitting and adding to your portfolio of published ads.


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