Sep 14, 2009

Five things about Kanye West that Annoy the hell out of: Me.

At some point in my life, I grew up. I didn't notice when it happened. It came fast and hard. The once little girl who could not live without her MTv now suddenly could not live without her CNN. Now there are some people that come and go in the celebrity realm that I could not even point out in a line up. Such was the case of the little Taylor Swift. Until last night.

The thing about the internet is that you now don't have to watch anything to know what's happening. You can rely on social networking tools to know the latest idiotic thing without the pain and suffering of watching a whole VMA show. Last night, that poor little girl had a really sad puppy moment when that asshole of Kanye West shit all over her 2 minutes of award acceptance speech fame.

Look. I've let the hatred of this man be handled by one of our best, Joker. He wrote the best damn post about him ever, here at WAS. I've kept my mouth shut because, hey, if you don't have anything to say... you know?

But seeing the clip on YouTube of that poor girl looking like she was going to puke over her nice dress, sad puppy eyes because evil uncle Kanye shit all over her "moment"... well that pissed me off. Gloves off.

So now in true 5 things fashion, let's name, in order of annoyance, the five things that Kanye West does that makes me want for someone to ram something up his butthole, mostly if it is wooden and a bit dry:

1) He's über untalented.
Really Kanye? You made yourself famous by resampling other people's hits? Whoa how modern of you. Oh... I forgot you have original music as well. Damn, but... it still sounds like shit! Jesus! You don't need other people's sounds to actually make a turd of a song! Epic!

2) Attention Whore.
Let's take last night's bad move out of the equation for a moment. I cannot count the times that this man - whom I have never even stole an MP3 off the internet because he's that bad - has appeared at the news for some idiotic thing. Damn. I miss the good old days that people became famous at music because they were talented instead because they were a nuisance. Bush doesn't care about black people. Yes, that was true, Kanye. But we don't give a shit about what you think as well.

3) Those Fucking Glasses.
Two things from the 80's were a big mistake. One were those jeans that were so damn bleached they were actually white... and the other? Those fucking shutter glasses. I can't remember the first time I saw this untalented asshole sing, but I sure can remember the first day I started seeing people wearing them because of him. Oh, and did I mention he sold them at his website? ASSHOLE!

4) Big ego isn't enough. I don't even have a name for what he has.
There is one thing that I hate about all human beings who think for some strange reason that they are better than anyone else. And this man takes it to eleven. Was it John Lennon who said that they were bigger than Jesus? WELL THEY COULD SAY THAT BECAUSE THEY WERE AWESOME! But you, Kanye? I mean... Gold digger deserves that amount of recognition?

5) Did I mention he's untalented, loves to get attention for the wrong reasons... wears stupid glasses and has a big ego? Oh. Ok. Yeah so he doesn't deserve a fifth reason why I despise him. Four is enough.

Kanye. You suck. Now for the love of God. Go away.


RestrictionsApply said...

I’ll give you Reason #5 – That chick he’s banging (Amber Rose?) is a Grade D version of Grace Jones…

Me said...

Jesus. I had to wiki her to know who she was.

Teenie said...

Well said, Me. I also think he's too self-absorbed to realize the laughing stock he's making of himself. He's his own worst enemy. He'll bring himself down all on his own.

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