Oct 17, 2009

Face it, you're taking it personal.

If someone asks me what was the one single thing I learned from working in advertising, it would be this: people take things at work too personal. In my honest opinion, that is a huge, big, colossal mistake. See... the saying is right: it's not personal, it's business. I could not agree more.

Client wants you to move the logo to the right 15 times in a day? Sure. It may anger you, the fact that you are "wasting your time"... but, the check is coming anyway my friend. Besides and most importantly - it's their ad! They're fucking paying for it! Are they shitting all over it? Sure! Just don't take it personal!

Someone at work told you that you suck donkey balls? Well, you know what... bring it on. I believe in healthy and colorful discussions - if I get offended it's my deal and viceversa - but I still don't take it personal. In fact, I have been in screaming matches galore at many agencies, leave the office, go home, have a drink and return to chit chat with the same person that told me I was a fucking idiot. You know what? Not everything is beautiful, you sometimes have to get your point across, and anger sure helps. Yes, I don't agree that you need to insult people, but let's face it, deep inside we are animals. It's in our nature to scream and hit our chests a couple of times.

I've seen people carry vendettas against other coworkers, agencies, clients... like this is going to make them sleep better and have some peace of mind someday. What a rookie mistake.

One of my best friends - and my boyfriend's - once told him that he didn't care that he died the night after the presentation that was due, he had to come back to the office and finish some stuff. That night they almost killed each other. Now they are like brothers, telling the old story to anyone that will hear them.

Yes, there is a fine line. Sometimes people do cross that line. But I can't count even one single moment in MY advertising life that made me so angry that I couldn't handle someone or someplace.

Clients will bitch. They will make you feel like shit. They will make your life miserable. Your boss will never, ever recognize the effort that you do because... are you ready for this? - you are not indispensable. Have you ever gotten a medal for being awesome at what you do? Well apart from that lovely cup of Best Dad, Best Mom or Best Lay (um...), in advertising and I bet in any other business, you just work and get your paycheck. Period.

There are so many cool shit that you can take to heart besides some copy saying that your design sucks, some AE telling you that you are off strategy, some Traffic director telling you that it's YOUR fault that the ad hasn't all the right information to make that revision...

People, live and let live. That amazing moment I figured out that my job is just a job like any other... that I wasn't saving a human being... I started living again.

Hope you join in the fun.


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