May 18, 2010

I loved meeting the Fantastic Mr. Fox.

I guess I noticed it when I saw Ratatouille. There I was, laughing my ass off when I thought, "Fuck, this movie is not for kids!" Alas, a new era: animated movies made for adults. YES! God listened! Amazing. Well, last night our friends at Netflix dropped Fantastic Mr. Fox at my door. And boy, what a great time we had.

And what is the movie about? Well... it's just the life of a little Fox and his family. Mr. Fox just doesn't want to settle for a normal life. So he thinks up a plan to steal chickens, ducks and other yummy fox foods from three evil farmers. A normal plot, a very innocent story, right? Not so.

This is an awesome script. I mean. Jesus, I thought it was almost improvised, how extremely normal it sounded. George Clooney, the most incredible human being that walks the earth in my opinion does the voice of Mr. Fox; Meryl Streep does the voice of his wife. So now you know you have gold in the audio department. Those two sound amazing together. You feel their marriage and how much patience, love and understanding they have for each other. I cannot remember the last time I got that in a real movie.

Apart from other great actors and awesome script, you just have a beautiful piece of cinematography. The stop motion is spot on, but there's a little bit more. It's just so colorful and well done! Every little detail, the way the wind moves Mr. Fox little hairs, the way the eyes glisten when they are talking to camera... It's a real gem. I guess it all comes down to its director, Wes Anderson - of The Royal Tenenbaums and Rushmore fame. So you can now picture how quirky it actually is. (Um. Did I just write quirky? Fuck. I suck.)

Most importantly, it's funny. Not silly funny. Funny as life is funny. Those pesky little conversations you have with your wife or husband about wanting more out of life, check. The way you don't understand your kids sometimes, check. The way you talk about your neighbors or relatives, check. It's all there. See? Not a movie for kids.

I agree completely that this movie deserved the Oscar nomination and... are you ready? I think it deserved the Oscar better than Up. There. I said it.

Rent it!


Jeff said...

This movie is leaps and bounds better than up. It is a Wes Anderson movie through and through. It just happens to be done in stop motion animation.

And while it is a great adult movie, my 5 year old likes it too.

RestrictionsApply said...

"Quirky" is OK. Just be thankful you didn't say "irreverent"...

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