Jun 28, 2010

5 Godfather Rules that define: Me.

I love the Godfather movies. Honest to God. Madly and deeply. My whole family loves it. We quote it a shitload of times during the year. Yeah. We are fans. How hard core? We're naming our first son Santino, the bad ass son. That hard core.

So last night we were having dinner and, since on Thursday and Friday it was Godfather night - we saw all of them back to back - we started talking about one single fact: every rule that you have to abide to in order to have a great life is in all of the three movies. Coppola and Puzo wrote three incredible scripts that, if you follow by heart, you will be able to survive anything. Don't believe me? Here, in no particular order are 5 gems to live by, according to the greatest family of all time, the Corleones.

1) Michael Corleone: "Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgement."
This by far is my mantra. If you want to win against anyone, you need to just stay focused on the prize, not the person in the way. Besides, hate clouds your thoughts in a really bad way and at the end you're useless.

2) Michael Corleone: "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer."
In life you need to KNOW EVERYTHING. Surprises, at least the ones that don't come with a cake or flowers, usually suck balls. Don't overestimate the power of information.

3) Michael Corleone: "Don't take sides against the family."
Loyalty. It does a body good.

4) Don Vito Corleone: "Never tell anyone outside the Family what you are thinking again."
OOOH this one is a gem: never just open your mouth without thinking, specially with people who you can't trust and you don't know.

5) Michael Corleone: "It's not personal, Sonny. It's strictly business."
We've done post after post about this line. It's never personal. Living a life under that law makes so much things easier, dammit. Your job? Business. Your coworkers being douchebags? Business. Your boss giving you shit? Business. You take anything personal and you will fail. You're NOT supposed to love your job all the time. You're NOT supposed to be friends with all the people at your job. I can go on and on...

So yeah. There are the rules to live by if you want to embrace the sicilian within. Capisce?


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