Feb 26, 2006

I need a vacation, dammit.

I find myself daydreaming most of the day. Wishing I was on a plane, heading for somewhere cool and very, very far away. Advertising sure can drain a human being, right? I haven't gone in a decent vacation in almost two years, maybe even more. The last one was in Manhattan, it was a glorious weekend full of art, walking, coffee and great company. It was only two days, but for me, it lasted for an eternity.

This post can appear to be "Would you rather be here", but actually it's "Where I'd like to go before I die". This is the Mountain Kingdom of Bhutan, the last unpsoiled cultural and ecological preserve in the world. I love this place. According to our loyal Wikipedia, it is nestled between India and the People's Republic of China. For me, traveling has to be somewhere so remote and so different from your culture... I mean, come on! Going to Disney or Vegas could be considered as a vacation, but we work and slave away hours at end to see fucking Mickey? No way. I'm a firm believer in packing for three weeks or more and exploring a new place that you've never imagined you would be.

I was talking to a friend this weekend about what you would like to do before you die. I mean, this is a big question, right? The thing is, I can't answer it fully. I mean, if I had three things to do, I'd pick going to Bhutan, so that's one. But I can't seem to think of anything else.

So... name a place where you want to go before you die. What will it be?


Anonymous said...

To me, where is less important as with whom I shall spend that time. But, I couldn't agree more...some place as beautiful as your post would certainly be a good place to kick, it right before you kick it. I would like to see the Alps.

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