Apr 3, 2006

Top 20 things I hate about deficient account executives

20. Not knowing how to write jobs. I didn’t know sacrificing grammar was part of your deal. It’s a miracle you have a job and it’s a miracle you made it past 4th grade, not to mention college.

19. Favors. I lose count of how many favors I have to do for these ingrates. Do I get real thanks? No. I’m lucky if I even get the protocolary basic thanks. Phew, lord knows with their hectic schedules, emitting a one-syllable word is hard enough.

18. Cigarette Breaks. You don’t have enough time to do all the shit you have pending but you can down a half pack of cigarettes in an average workday. Let’s see… 3 minutes per cigarette times 10 cigarettes, plus your coffee breaks that you count apart from your cigarette breaks, two and a half hour lunches and still they ask why they don’t have enough time for their tasks.

17. Leaving early while others work late. This WONDERFUL trend to leave at 6 sharp, harassing people to leave things on your desk by next morning and not needing it for another two days… you define advertising scum and I just hope karma has a party with your sorry self.

16. Scheduling everything for the same day. And then they ask why we can’t produce all the work in a timely manner.

15. Being the client’s bitch. This deserves its own blog although it’s been written countless times.

14. Irresponsible delegating. Handing off work to interns and newbies just so they have more time to spend on Ebay.

13. Pointing out every single thing you do wrong but when they mess up, it’s not their fault, they just have a lot of pressure. Hmm, double standard anyone?

12. Smiley faces on jobs. I hope you die.

11. Not wanting to negotiate deadlines. They need everything now rush, asap, yesterday or faster than two shakes of a lambs tail.

10. Losing jobs two weeks prior and then handing it to creative the day before the deadline. You’d be surprised how many times I’ve lived this.

9. Not being able to effectively explain themselves hence adding to the confusion.

8. Using jargon to sound sophisticated. No need for the masquerade buddies, I know if you’re stupid or not, regardless of if you read the dictionary in the bathroom or not.

7. Being all buddy-buddy when they need something, so unless I’m not responsible for caring for the well being of your sub-human tush, I’m worthless. Lovely.

6. Earning more money than me. This used to bother me, but ever since I changed jobs to earn what I deserve, I’ve lost this chip on my shoulder.

5. Being suck ups. That’s how I know I’d be a bad AE. Seriously, I’ve seen some bum kissing that would make you gag. Starting from crass compliments right down to laughing at lame jokes.

4. Posting bogus start dates.

3. Harassment of the non-sexual kind. We wish we could at least get fondled with the type of harassment we live through on a daily basis, but I guess getting raped doesn’t merit a reach around.

2. Getting all creative, saying the client wants a revision when it’s actually them intervening and just plain old hard headedness because they’re never wrong.

And the number one most important thing I hate about account executives.

1. Them being so consistent in letting me down as human beings. Sounds harsh, but it’s true, hence my sheer passion for good account executives that would never commit the atrocities stated here.


RestrictionsApply said...

Don't forget the classic: "New businesses are won by Account Service and clients are lost by poor Creative."

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