Jun 4, 2006

SWF looking for honest men.

Tomorrow's "Would you rather..." photo will be placed during the day, since I really want this post to be seen, ASAP.

Wait. Wait. I'm not that desperate. It's just that recently I have been talking to some girlfriends of mine, about, what else... Men. Let's be more specific, shall we? Men problems. I give my opinion, but I think since I'm a chick as well, they take it as hearsay. I mean... I don't truly know what men do or think. So, here's the thing. I need your answers on some questions they have. Maybe if men answer honestly, they will read this and know what to do. Um, by the way, if you have people who know who you are at this blog, and you are male, take my word for it: answer anonymously. You really will get into trouble.

Ok. Please don't judge the questions. Just answer if you can. Thanks.

1) Men can do it with anyone who flashes their boobs and/or ass. It doesn't matter if you are in love or not. Men will get laid if the situation appears. They might even not like the dudette that much, but if they can, they will go for it. True or false?

2) Men can have sex with more than two women at the same time and not feel guilty about it. True or false?

3) Most of the time, when men say "I'm leaving her", they actually say it to calm the nerves of the poor women who believe this. They actually are really not planning to leave. They are just having a good time. True or false?

4) Most men at some time have imagined having sex with all their female friends. True or false?

5) Evidence of unfaithfulness or a blatant lie has occured. They have no excuse or alibi. They will proceed to say "it wasn't me" for as long as they live, just because they don't want the mandatory fight which is in order and don't want to accept they were caught. True or false?

6) Men can say "I love you" to more than one women and not feel any remorse at all. True or false?

7) Men can lie to a woman looking straight at her eyes, go home, look at their faces in the mirror and not feel ashamed or guilty about the huge whopper they delivered nor feel guilty about the fact that their very in love woman believed him with all her heart. They don't even feel afraid they will be caught sometime later in life. True or false?

I think that's about it, if I remember correctly. If any more questions arrive, I'll make another post. Come on guys, do this for us chicks who are tired of talking about you. Make a woman happier and more educated about your kind. You'll do a better good for mankind. I mean... womankind.


paul kennedy said...

1) True beyond a shadow of doubt.

2) Ditto.

3) No absolute answer. Some men may have the intention to do; others are outright lying.

4) At some time? Friends? No. Always. With every woman they meet who even vaguely attracts them.

5) Same answer as 3). It depends on how stupid they are, how contrite they are and how willing they are to patch the broken relationship. If they are smart they will be honest and willing to take the inevitable heat like a man.

6) False, unless they are a complete idiot.

7) Any human with any sense of humanity should feel some guilt in this situation, but once again, I'm sure it happens with regularity.

Anonymous said...

Apologies, that was me above. Blogger failed to publish my click-through identity. It should appear now.

Joker said...

Joker's answers a-la raw.

1) I actually made out with someone I didn't really like that much a couple of years back, just to see if I could enjoy it. She was kinda cute but no real flair to her so False. I definitely found out that I need something more to go on than a nice set of tits.

2) It's actually a goal for many people in their lives. Ask 10 guys and odds are you might get the same answer each time. Oh and should I note that I know quite a few women who wouldn't mind a threesome either. Ah maybe not, he he. When you talk about a threesome, I truly hope their is no love involved. Just plain sex with some VD free people, because if you have a threesome with someone you love, odds are you're kidding yourself in regards for the person's feelings. 3somes are all about getting off with some juvenile fantasy you wish to pass onto your grandchildren so they say what a kick ass grandfather or grandmother you were, not as a way to fulfill a fantasy of your significant other because you love them.

3) Why did you even get involved with him in the first place? You should never trust a man who wants to be with you when he's already with someone else and you should never fuck around with someone whose taken, think of it as karma teaching you a lesson.

4) False. Some of them, not all. Requirements to be jerked off over exceed having breast and an ass. You need to be a turn on. Realize that women to men aren't always sexual object, but sometimes they are, and the same works vice versa.

5) THe only evidence that will make someone confess is you finding them on a bed, in a kitchen or wherever with their dick stuck inside any moist orifice of a woman or a confused young man. Anything else could probably be dismissed in any court of law.

6) Generalizing sucks dick. Some guys are able to do this, but guess what, so are some women. This is not an XY or XX chromosome issue, it's whether or not some people suck as people. It's like asking why do all German people hate Jews.

7) If a man can lie, he will. If he lies, odds are he won't feel remorse or maybe he will. There is no definite one shot answer. Now why is it so difficult to believe that a woman is incapable of this?

Scamp said...

It's all true, I'm afraid.

Men are slime. But at least we're easy to understand.

Me said...

I was afraid of answers like these. Shit. It is worse than I imagined. Keep going guys!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for you. Most of these statements are true. But many of them apply to women, plus women suffer from other fucked up shit that doesnn't apply to men.

In regards to these questions, all i can say is that you would undertsand if you had a penis.

Anonymous said...

1) If she's banging of course

2) yes

3) sometimes it's true other times no

4) With some yes, all of them no

5) nope unless the woman is stupid enough to fall for it

6) Nope

7) depends on the woman

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