Jul 27, 2006

Today I’m free… well not really

Free days… What a crock of cock. I haven’t had a real free day in a long while. You know why? Because having a free day implies that you are at liberty to do whatever the hell you want to do. But is that the case? Didn’t think so.

Free days and what do you do? Mow the lawn, fix the car, go to the doctor, do the laundry, milk the cow? Yeah…. You maintain that super productive attitude you force-feed yourself at work and you don’t enjoy life because, well who has time for that?

Really, when was the last time you really enjoyed an off day? When was the last time you had enough energy to pull off a cool hang out on a free day just for the hell of it? Probably been a while for most out there, me included, and I’m pissed off because of it.

Was it nice to do nothing at home? Yes. Did it blow to have time fly? Absolutely. Do I feel refreshed? More like a Sally Strothers’ kid who was fed for two days and then left to starve.

Thank you corporate America. Thank you for being a cock tease and leaving my rest yearning hard on more rigid than Condoleza Rice’s smile. Thank you for letting my mind get to actually thinking that I was on vacation before ripping me back into reality. Thank you for making a Wednesday seem almost as unbearable as a Monday.

To quote a seminal philosophic prowess of the Tony The Tiger T-shirt wearing genius…



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