Aug 3, 2006

All you can barf

Ok after today’s grueling lunch fiasco, I pose a question: What’s the point of all you can eat if you can’t eat a single bite without gagging? I know we’re not supposed to name names, but JESUS, this place totally sucked and I’m still fighting the urges to either vomit or shit the entire slush that used to be my entrails. To add insult to injury I had to pay a little over ten dollars for this self induced nauseated state. So not only was I stupid enough to buy into this shit by buying this shit, I have to feel, smell, taste and live the anguish over and over with each ensuing burp. Thanks all you can eat crapola. It’s a fucking insult to have paid for this shit because nothing and I mean NOTHING was remotely edible. Everything tasted like catfish asshole with squid semen and a side a whale’s yeast infection if any of that is even possible. I mean bad. Way too many dishes seemed like a nice side dish of placenta or some other ejected or aborted tissue.

Here’s the kicker, one of the people on the failed lunch trip not only said he/she wasn’t sure, but had the decency to notice that the banner at the entrance had numerous typos and grammatical errors and said that a place that can’t have something in their front door written correctly, then we shouldn’t trust its food. Now we know that those were words of wisdom and if there’s a typo ridden place, DON’T FUCKING EAT THERE!!!!!


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