Aug 4, 2006

“More product less chick”

This is not a slur. This is not a bash towards women. This is what I’ve read on my job, written as is hence the quote marks.

TV is an interesting medium because by being audiovisual, you get to truly have fun with your job and the guys in production get to show creatives how hard it is to take their sacred concept onto the screen. Seriously, mad props to all production people who might have chanced on this blog and who are good at what they do.

That being said, in comes the client to rape all that is good and merry of your quasi finished commercial. Some things they actually have a point in and on others they’re as spot on as Courtney Love is sober (“going on one … fucking… year y’all…”… priceless). Our wonderful commercial has stepped down the scale of evolution to where the would be upright homo sapiens of a commercial would be lucky enough to have kept his opposable thumbs. A decent idea got swapped for something someone saw in some commercial. Ok, so basically we had to pull a knockoff of an existing commercial, adapting it locally and giving it a refined look. After filming, editing and voicing, I saw the spot and was extremely impressed, obviously endeared to the creation since I’d been involved in its conception. But classic clients always find something wrong with a spot, and that’s ok. It’s their money and they should get the most bang for their buck. But what happens when the requests don’t make any sense? What happens when every revision costs money, yet does not add or take away one single thing from the commercial? Absolutely nothing. Your company’s answer? Client knows best, so by all means start stretching your mouth because we’re gonna have to go overtime on this dick sucking safari extravaganza.

Now begins the next phase where the client won’t want to yield one iota and we’ll have to figure out a cost efficient way of solving a problem that shouldn’t even exist since we’d warned of the limitation, stock footage related, that we have. And they won’t care. They never do, because that’s not their problem and it never is. They’re never wrong even when they ask you to undo the twenty revisions you’ve done in one workday because it was sooooo rush. Let’s see what happens. I, for one, just hope the production company shafts the client because the warnings were there, the potential issues were addressed and the people are asking for things that could have been remedied in a timely, responsible, and cost efficient manner. Oh well, who ever thought sense would prevail in the mind of most clients? All I know is that I have to nod, smile, chew back my frustrations and agree… because after all, it’s always better to have more product and less chick when you have to agree with your client and suck his dick.


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