Aug 21, 2006

Shatner Rules!

When I was married my ex husband made me watch something... well... disturbing, at best. It was every Saturday, and God did I hate it. We couldn't make plans for going out before 7pm. Why? We had to watch Star Trek. Yes, the original series. Month after month I had to endure this. And little by little, I found myself watching with him, wanting to know what happened next. Yes, it sucked. Yes, it had lame ass stories and the make up was horrible. But it had something hot and wonderful.

Captain Kirk.

Yesterday was Shatner's Roast on Comedy Central. If there is a guy in this world to roast, well dammit, it's this guy. I laughed my butt while seeing it, and trust me, you should too. Shatner is and always be the coolest captain there is. A word of caution, this roast was medium rare. It wasn't that ugly as Pamela Anderson's, but still, a very good one. I just hope they release the unrated version... And Andy Dick? Hillarious.

Enjoy this small clip of George Takei ripping the Shat a new one. And watch Bill's face at the end. Priceless.

PS to my ex hubby: Love you and thank you for letting me be a part of this nerdy tradition. Live long and prosper.


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