Jan 8, 2007

Powerless & Pointless Presentations

If you’ve ever worked in a company or worse yet, if you attended college, which I’m sure you did out of initiative to become a professional or to shut mommy and daddy’s mouths; you’ve had the displeasure of sitting through something infinitely less entertaining than father O’Leary’s drunken ramblings, a power point presentation.

Given that a presentation could make or break deals, businesses or your self worth, it comes as no surprise that there are an endless amount of people who have no clue of how to effectively use this Office program. The facts are simple and sucky examples abound, but what’s most painful is when you have to live through them. To further elaborate… let me use some power point slides… enjoy.

See? It’s bad enough to have to have to sit through this shit but the best part is when you have people who read the slides out loud because they don’t even know what they’re presenting. So Anbu, thanks for the suggestion and hope this temporarily quenches your thirst for bashing PPT’s.

Cheers and all the best,
Chef Joker


Me said...

Dude. You made my day. Genius.

Chad said...

This should be required reading for all. I hate having to sit through quietly when a presentation like that comes up.

RestrictionsApply said...

PowerPoint presentations are like buzz words: only to be used by dumb people trying to pass themselves off as smart.

Anonymous said...

Coma indeed.

Lucila said...

Dude! you should teach a class.
Smartass 101: Don't be an idiot.

I love this post!

Jason said...

I first encountered Powerpoint as a an Army officer going through a National Training Center rotation at Fort Irwin, California. A major there, circ. 1998, said "We have Powerpoint now and it's gonna ruin the Army.

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