Feb 5, 2007

Defining Justice

In my short life, I’ve been accused of being a pessimist, of being a potential manic depressive, of being the party pooper and of never giving society a fighter’s chance in my judgment. Given what I’ve seen, what I’ve read and what I’ve lived in less than 30 years, I think I have a case in regards to defending my opinion that the thing we used to be able to call justice has become a moral unicorn far removed from our collective reality.

Justice. What exactly is it? Much like love, it’s an intangible element, an indefinable, unpalpable idea that thanks to social mores, historical developments and the evolution of an incomprehensibly unjust legal system, reaches all time lows on a daily basis. What is justice? Is it hanging Saddam Hussein for war crimes? Fair enough, but what about our political leaders and the atrocities they’ve hidden, garnished, approved, or omitted from public history? They get off the hook, they get pardons, they get reelected. And that’s just in the political spectrum of things.

Enter lawsuits. People suing companies and other people for the dumbest things ever. Coffee too hot? Broke your ankle after you jumped three steps because you were in a hurry? No worries, we have the quick cash you need to continue not offering anything worthwhile to the world at large. Want to sue your neighbor’s dad because thanks to his intervention you were expelled from a school? No problem. We have you covered. Wait, did you actually murder inlaws and your wife? Sit back and relax, your fellow police officers will bail you out, no questions asked, the file neatly tucked beneath an obscure rug in the basement that we’ll be sealing off once we fill it with enough bogus case files.

Are you a trespasser, robber, and property destroyer who had an accident in the house of the person you wanted to rob? Don’t worry, you’re a victim and the legal system is here because it cares. It cares about freeing criminals or the guilty that can pay for their freedom or give the get out of jail free card. It cares about overtaxing the underpaid. It cares about giving parking tickets and traffic violations yet fails to look out for your best interest when you get mugged. Made a mistake in your tax form? Enjoy the ride because only tax evaders can get the “harsh” treatment of being offered slack and then some.

If you hadn’t noticed, you live in a society where whiners, back stabbers, and ass kissers succeed instead of having to run through a spiked dildo gauntlet. You also live in a society that caters to whoever pays the most or whoever sells their ass cheapest. That’s the law of the land. You can pay your way into or out of any situation as long as you speak to key figures. Got cash? We got all you need to survive. We got the health services that should be free of charge. No health plan? Good luck surviving. That’s the only industry that doesn’t take cash in hand from a desperate person in need of attention. Have cancer, take dialysis, suffer from diabetes, afflicted with Parkinson’s, got AIDS? Then perfect, because that means you’re a cash cow we can squeeze, and squeeze until every last cent has been given so we can murder your quality of life and offer treatment rather than a cure. Whoever heard of cures making money? And who has time to get a cure? We’re too busy bombing the shit out of people, enforcing the law to where it’s most convenient and cost efficient and exploring Mars and Neptune for when we have to move the fuck off the Earth thanks to the US government constantly sanctioning irresponsible waste disposal and approving the further demolition of woodlands that just might be the source of oxygen, that when taken away will produce enough asthma cases to promote pharmaceuticals to gain even more money while the middle and lower classes of the human race will just have to evolve to where we process nitrogen better.

Interested in sodomizing small children? We have the clergy of your choice or your Asian or Eastern European destination of preference, where morality and justice are even more of a punch line than on the Western Hemisphere. Remember too, blacks are looters while whites are survivors. Lord knows that them black folk just want water and food during a natural disasters to shine their grilles, because heaven knows that the US isn’t racist anymore. We’re also tolerant to gay rights, Muslims and respect women’s rights on a daily basis. We don’t objectify females and brain wash them into believing they all have weight issues. Heaven forbid that. We also don’t condone racial segregation, discrimination or screening, and that’s all because we live in a country where justice is paramount.

But I’m a pessimist, I’m a self demoralizing sadist in search of company in my misery. Lord knows I wouldn’t want the world to be a better place and of course I would hate for there to be peace, tolerance, understanding and genuine evolution of humankind. So feel free to suck your unopposable thumbs and enjoy the charade because it keeps getting better everyday people. The land of the free yet taxable and the home of the brave when it comes to other people’s children.


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