Jun 9, 2008

Diary of an Intern Day 1

DISCLAIMER: Many of us were interns once. We were there at the brink of turning away and doing something else or diving into the purgatory known as your average advertising agency. Seeing as it's intern season, I'd thought I'd give a shot to combining what I've talked with interns, combining with my own and seeing what comes out. So in attempt to reminisce and warn, here is the Diary of an intern..

Week 1 Day 1

Wow, I went to the agency today. Just two weeks I didn't know what to do, but well, dad was being a total asshole and said I had to get a job and after one drunken poker night, he asked (more like ordered) me to consider doing an internship in an agency a friend of his works at. I'm not really sure what to expect but along with me, there's three guys and five girls. Not bad odds seeing as some of those guys look like total douche bags. Anyways, they gave me the option to work in any department I wanted and of course I picked Creative. Shit yeah!!!! Getting paid to think up shit and dude, I've watched so much shit that I can definitely do good ads. Today they just had us locked in a conference room for like the entire day. Totally sucks, but we got to meet some people from the agency and they told us all about what advertising is really like. How execs have to pretty much organize everything to make sure the work gets done. Then media people who work thinking about all the ways they can get ads out there. Then there's Traffic and though we all thought it sounded like some drug cartel money laundering shit, it was totally different and sounds like internal public relations for the agency. Then there's creative where we get to express our creativity to create good ads to get people's attention. It sounds real fucking cool and who knows, we might even win a prize with the summer project. Then there's production which is all the glitz in the biz, making good ideas look awesome. And of course, then there's accounting which totally sucks because fuck, it's accounting. Anyways, this looks like a kick ass summer, some hotties with me in the internship and who knows, maybe I'll even get a job here. Anyways, enough for day one. Will write in later.


Kelly said...

damn, those were the days. *sigh*

Joker said...

i know... I was so close to being able to pull out but nooooooo... I liked advertising lol. Oh well.

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