Apr 27, 2009

It's been a while

Ah yesssss... the sweet smell of a fast running internet connection responding to my every movement. How I've missed your phosphorescently hateful rays slowly blinding me one second at a time while I vent, rant and yes, even heckle on occasion.

Just in case, yes that last sentence does mean I did see a part of Heckler though I will try to see it in its entirety soon.

Ok so where the fuck have I've gotten to, if anyone does actually even wonder what one blogger persona in this huge blogosphere gets up to, well lets sum it up with technical problems that can be expressed quite simply by saying that I got fed up with my Internet connection sucking like a hyperventilating vacuum cleaner with a death wish and a power surge. I shelled out the cash and now I can see youtube, facebook, and oodles of porn while checking my balance sheet, verifying the weather, and most importantly, not having my freelance works affected.

Before I go on though, a thought on heckler. I'm not going to review that docu-flick in detail because it would probably defeat the purpose they're trying to get, which is that bloggers, hecklers and critics should smoke a tail pipe and die. Being a would be Internet writer working on becoming a real writer that will probably see karma justly handed back when I finally get my book done, I think it poses an interesting topic, especially since this blog has had its fair share of gremlins, AKA blog hecklers, which is like bottom feeding hecklers since they don't even have the decency to heckle someone famous and they might even think that makes them more righteous or seriously cool. But seeing as the whole heckling shtick seems like an interesting topic, lets dip in shall we.

First off: is Malibu's Most Wanted a piece of shit? The answer.... I don't know. I haven't watched it hence me not giving an opinion on it. You see, that's the first thing to take into account. If someone got up in the middle of a flick and left, they have no right to review that picture. To give your opinion, which is nothing more than your personal take on something, you need to finish the movie/album/set etc.

Second off: Do hecklers have a right to heckle. Well that depends on what you define as heckler. If you saw the docu-flick, then I could be categorized as a heckler, but I disagree. I think I'm just a middle of the road guy with decent wit (barring the sometimes ridiculous amount of typos and incoherent rant to vent) that has an opinion on a bunch of things, I enjoy writing and I use a blog as my primary outlet since it's free, it's therapeutic and it has no filters. No editrons wreaking havoc on my would-be thought cycle. Ok so what is a heckler as defined by the guy who writes as Joker? It's pretty much someone who insists on ruining it for everyone else in a live entertainment show. It's also someone who either needs to be the center of attention without the commitment of an entire act etc, or someone who wants to be the class clown. Why do I make this distinction? Because in a live setting I either comment with my girlfriend in whispers or keep it to myself and let everyone enjoy the show if they are able to. So because of that, I consider myself to not fall under the title of heckler. Yes I do give opinions on hundreds of random topics, some extremely violent, but they're my opinions, and I post them on a place where you don't have to be on. You have the freedom to tune me the fuck out and write me off as whatever you might want to label me as. So going back to that question, does a heckler have the right to heckle? No. Kindly shut up and if it sucks so bad, walk out and talk to the manager. If you make a valid enough case, don't finish the act and insist on talking with reason, you might be able to get your money back. If it's a movie, you're screwed though and you can make fun of it just not at everyone else's expense.

Are vitriolic hatgasms fair game on the Internet? Well if I and some people get a kick out of it and Nazi sympathizers can have their blog, then why can’t I express my distaste for Molly Cyrus (nope, I won’t write it correctly once). By the way, it’s not the price of fame that gives people the right to write their thoughts about someone. It’s the right to an opinion and though sometimes we won’t like what some people have to say about us, that’s just how the cookie crumbles. It’s been said that even bad press is good press and I can’t help but disagree to some point on that saying. Just because people are talking about you doesn’t mean that it’ll be good for you. Take Ben Affleck for instance. He’s one of those actors that gets a lot of shit for one role or another and people just love to tear at someone with some type of success. It’s kind of human nature to want to tear up what you help build… especially when something goes against what you think would be best for a band, an artist or a writer. That said, I can’t say Affleck is the worst actor in the solar system, but I can say that some of his roles just haven’t been enjoyable.

Ok, so how about when you take it up about 20 notches and talk about people who annoy you? Well pretty simple. As long as I keep my opinion to my blog, I do think I have a right to express it. It won’t always be positive, it won’t always be negative and sometimes it will be personal to the point that if the person in question reads what I have to say about them, they will have an opinion to respond to mine. Just in case, that’s totally game and though it’s impossible, I do wish some of the things I write would actually get in touch with someone that could make a difference. Some examples:

For Chris Cornell: I do wish him the best in whatever he wants to do in his career and though I hated his last album because I’m a fan of so much of his material, I am quite disappointed that what he’s done with his last two releases have been kind of craptastic for me. That’s because the bar is set high and on the latest occasion, he collaborated with someone who’s ego is so seemingly inflated that you can’t help but hate Timbaland just a little for thinking he’s the best thing since sliced bread. In the case of Mala Cyrus, her attitude is what does her in. Do I know Ms. Cyrus? Have I had tea with her or have I offered my statutory rape services to her? No. But I do vent on my group’s forum because of comments she’s made on television, her attitude and for doing things that would annoy me from any mochachino chugging, Dolce and Gabana wearing, texting teen. My beef is that she’s actually an example for a generation; and that’s where I think many people might want to justify their written crusades. I don’t want an entire youth inspired to be like Hannah Montana, I don’t want children to wear chastity rings, I don’t want lip synching to be looked at as something acceptable and I don’t want most kids to be like so awesome like totally like yeah for sure definitely like yeah… Also, I’m not the only one that feels this way about many artists and I’m sure that just the fact that I write an opinion they resonate with is reason enough to validate a blog post. But that’s a written post, not a live show.

People talking incessantly, cheering incessantly and heckling incessantly are all equally hatefully in their own right and like dinner, I try to keep my conversation at my table and will allow some comments to come into hearing range, but I prefer to not listen to all you have to say.

So are you allowed to say if you like something or not? Yes you are. It’s your right to say something sucks and to accept that some people might like what you hate. If not then there’d only be one flavor of ice cream and we’d all be bland and homogenously nauseating.

So what if someone asks about something you hate, are you allowed to persuade or dissuade? Yes you are. As long as you don’t do it during the movie, you’re kosher but don’t hate something for the sake of hating it and don’t agree with what everyone says. Hell, if I did I would have missed out on a wonderful movie titled the Fountain or some Bad Bmovies that suck so bad that they’re likeable. But you are allowed to give your opinion to someone because in the end, their money is at stake and be honest, how many times have you wanted a prior warning at least before you get into the movie? Because lets face it, if a movie house is allowed to make a trailer that falsely leads me to watch a shitty movie, I have the right to communicate how much I hate it because you have to take the bad with the good.

Trust me, we got some angry hate mail once because I was trying to expose my point of view regarding prejudice and racism at a job scenario and people had a problem with me using beaner, nigger, chink and other “bad words”. They bypassed the whole message and focused on what pissed them off, which was the use of racial slurs to make a point and I was even recommended that I didn’t have to get to the point of using said language to prove a point… and I can’t disagree more. I tried to communicate with this person, but the damage was done, I’d said nigger and this person was black so in a nutshell I touched a nerve and I was given shit for it. It was nice to see some people trying to back me up saying that the whole point of the comment was to instruct but it fell on deaf ears. Which brings me to two points. If you can’t enter into a debate, your opinion weighs that much less and you have to listen to the entire message to give an honest opinion. The same goes for opinions. There needs to be the chance that you can enter into a debate, with the artist, comedian, writer or musician in question if need be. If you’re just talking from your ass, you’d best serve yourself by shutting the fuck up.

Oh and in case it hasn’t become evident in this individualistic era we’re living, people hate just for the sake of hating. That artist’s new album sucks. It’s a piece of shit. Or the sound quality is not on par with blubbety bup. Though there are occasions where some comments have some water, people simply hate for the sake of hating and follow opinions of their leaders without question. To elaborate, take Chris Cornell’s two last albums and my opinion of them. On one hand, both were bad for me and I didn’t enjoy either for various reasons, but though the second solo album was more rock oriented, I feel Carry On is much worse than Scream because it was inconsistent and from the impassioned lyrics and vocals I’ve heard before, I was getting vanilla everything and a backup band that just didn’t bring it. When I say they didn’t bring it, it’s that they played the notes, but there was no synergy and instead of a super rock band like Soundgarden or even Audioslave, it sounded like a session band paid to play with no love for what they got, and that though Scream is not my cup of tea, it’s a much more spirited effort from Chris and for me, if he wanted to make an R & B album, that’s fine, just make a real R & B album, not Scream.

Ok, so this post got a little ahead of me. But there are a couple of points, and I guess that’s the point really. If you bash something just for the sake of ripping it a new one, then that’s kind of stupid. But if you are trying to do something, then it’s a bit more valid. And yes I said a bit more, because in the end, if it’s written and it depends on someone looking for an opinion freely, then tough shit, but they have the right to say Malibu’s Most Wanted sucked more than a gay black hole and you have the right to ignore what’s read and look elsewhere for opinions that resonate or have the style that’s fitting to your taste.

Anyways, I’d keep writing, but I think this post has served its purpose, it got me writing again and even though I’m just a little pissant of a blogger, I have an opinion, and if I can make someone laugh by ripping someone a new one when they genuinely suck, then that’s my right, and it’s your right to say I suck as well.

So for now, hope all is well with every and anyone that has enjoyed our tirades.



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