May 27, 2009

Clint Eastwood is the man.

So today after feeling crappy and sick, I decided to take the day off. Some of my Netflix movies were hanging around and I decided that tv was not good enough so I thought... let's give this film a chance. In all honesty, when I pressed "play" I thought... This is Angelina Jolie we're talking about. You rarely like anything that she's in. But you do love some Clint Eastwood... What a dilemma.

So the film started and I was reluctant in many ways...

I am glad to report that I was wrong. This movie is a beautiful piece of work. Why? It's just Clint. You can feel him all around it. From the first sound you hear, the now familiar score that Eastwood himself wrote, you think... ah... that beautiful music. I was hooked. Trust me, I thought I was going to press "stop" at any time, but I couldn't.

So what is Changeling about? It's a true story about a simple working woman who one day gets home and finds that her son is missing. While she tries to beg some help from the corrupt police in LA, months go by. People start talking about how bad the police is... Suddenly a boy arrives, claiming that he's the missing boy. But a mother knows when she looks at one child, you know? This is not her boy. What can she do? When you are screaming at everyone that comes near that this boy is not yours but everyone starting with the kid is repeating the same thing over and over again?

This is a very sad story that got me not wanting to stop. Eastwood has this talent of making us want to watch more... It is simply amazing. I remember one time I rented True Crime, a simple movie about one dude who was accused for a crime he did not commit... I almost had a heart attack. It was soooo good and so incredible I wanted someone to tell me the end quickly so I could not suffer anymore. This movie is kind of like that.

Did Jolie deserve the nod from the Oscars? Hm. I don't know. She was decent, she didn't overact that much, so that's good in a way. But this movie seemed like a group effort. It wasn't her alone that made this movie great. It was a mix of everything. The story in itself is very powerful and it takes over everything. Good actors galore. Even the kids were very good. But I cannot say that one particular actor or actress made it better.

Would I recommend it? Sure thing. If you like Eastwood's work and style, this sure is a movie you gotta see. Now, in all fairness, he has done quite better in films like Unforgiven, Grand Torino and Million Dollar Baby. Those were pieces of art. Period. But this is a nice follow up, if you get my drift. Oh, the music... Jesus. I would have never thought I would love so much music from this Smith and Wesson carrying macho man.

Kudos, Mr. Eastwood. Loved it.


Teenie said...

So... this isn't a remake of the George C. Scott movie from the 70s....? That scared the b'jeezuz out of me.

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