Oct 12, 2009

Behind the Ads: Truth #11 - Clients have to be educated because they have been miss-educated

If clients are hack idiots, we are largely to blame. When I say we, I obviously don’t mean you or me, I mean ad people and especially execs that say yes to absolutely everything and creatives who have had their will hammered out of their system. It’s not only these people to blame, 80’s and 90’s ad people that spent a quarter of a million dollars on a tv spot only to have 0 results are also to blame.

In reality, it’s a combination of things because for ad people, there’s only so many times you can get away with stuff while with a client, well we’re still seeing where our threshold lies, because by and by, I see some clients pushing the limits of what is permitted by law.

On the one hand, clients are 150% suspicious of anything that comes from an agency because like I said, ad people of days of yore spent truckloads and failed to produce dividends. The flipside has S&M (Sales and Marketing or Sadomasochism, take your pick) people raping an agency for all they’re worth simply because they have an attention deficit and want to take it out their pent up sexual tensions on agency people.

But no matter what the case is, ad people are to blame because we directly influenced the factors to produce the monsters we currently call clients. No budget? Been there done that. Saturday morning revisions? Got the t-shirt and burned it in a luau. Not trusting anything you produce no matter if it has half a shot at working? That was my day job at many an agency.

So what’s the kicker? There’s HAS to be a kicker. Well of course dear friends… and here it is: all agency people recognize that clients needs to be reeducated… and no one does it. Way to go teammmmmmmmm.


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