Oct 12, 2009

Behind the Ads: Truth #13 - You will see more people fired than you care to

If you do not feel comfortable seeing people get canned and finding out friends of yours got fired, by all means, drop your ad job. Seriously, in five years I worked at 6 agencies and in that time I saw enough people get fired and quit to form a high school class. In agency #2, 8 people got canned… from an agency that was 20 strong. Third job, I saw 5 people get the axe and the sixth was me. In agency #4, in a span of six months, 12 people left… not fired but left… from the creative department. Add to that number a couple of others that dropped the job. By the way, I was #13 and after me came 7 more. The fifth agency has had about 15 casualties in the last year and a half… and it was also a small agency and the sixth agency? Well I hadn’t been there a month before two senior people got euthanized. That’s more than fifty people I’ve seen leave a company I work for.

Some were understandable… the other 47 weren’t.


RestrictionsApply said...

Don't know if this idea is forthcoming, but perhaps a little something about how working long hours and weekends ("going the extra mile") doesn't necessarily guarantee your job security

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