Apr 5, 2006

Since I feel like I work in a twilight zone…..

Insert Shatner tone here.

Stardate April fifth, year twenty-o-six. Would be captain’s Blog:

I have…. Encountered different beings… from a… NOther dimension. They seem… stupid beyond comprehension yet… they have a job… they have a life… and they… PROcreate irresponsibly. Starfleet has sent me on a mission to encounter and eradicate these…. CREAtures. Bones is gone researching sterilizing procedures for these beings, Spok is touching himself with his Vulcan death grip, he is …. NEAR climax and hopefully his pointy tailed semen will splatter on the eyes of these… CREAtures. Scotty is drunk off plasma and scotch, Uhuru and Chekov are having a Klingon gangbang and Sulu is going full speed ahead into some unknown young man’s black hole. Needless to say… the Crew is in disarray yet these…. CREAtures continue to mock my very existence insisting on poisoning the air I breathe with inane claims of having a profession and being excellent employees and true… TEAM players.

Ri…DIculous if you ask me, then again you might.. NOT. The point is that in this hostile territory… Some… THING is lurking up and about, clicking its heels on the dismal lunar surface of my workplace. It does not hide its presence and simply cannot accept that it’s wrong for being alive.

Phasers set on stun.. make that kill or disintegrate. Shoot on site and be sure to…. TEAbag their dead corpses… Would be Captain Jokirk signing off.


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