May 19, 2008

Mririan or Magibon: The latest in meme what the fuckness

So what does it take to get more than a million clicks for a video on youtube.... or more than a million or maybe even 50 million. The answer is below.

Don't get me wrong, my inner pedophile with a preference for shy Asian schoolgirls is rejoicing, but really.... millions of people watch this? And this? And this? and and even this? and even this??????

Trendhunter has this to say about Magibon"

"Two themes interleave the online discussions ... seek to grapple with her popularity: One, that she's playing "pedobait," to use a lovely phrase, aiming to gain an audience of boys and men for ad-revenue purposes (i.e., she's a camgirl). And/or two, that she's making some kind of artsy, deep comment by playing a stereotype, that stereotype being either -- now hang with me here -- of pop culture-addled Japanese teenage girls, or of white American girls who play pop culture-added Japanese teenagers (which girls are known as "wapanese," a word roughly comparable to "wigger.")."

Now I don't know about you guys, but I'm definitely integrate the word wapanese into my vernacular. About the vids though... well I dunno, it's like some twisted game of pedobaiting just begging to be milked by porn sites, some meme driven adverts or just 13-16 year old boys who want to have a crusty computer keyboard. What do y'all think?


Anonymous said...

People watch this? Damned it and here I have been wasting my time blogging. Attempting to be relevant and interesting and all I had to do was shoot a video of me in my childhood bedroom, waving at the camera.

Who is the stupid one?

RestrictionsApply said...

I know. This video/post speaks volumes of us a species

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