Oct 18, 2005

Feed your mind by curbing your enthusiasm

Larry David is a prick and by God I love him. This is not the best tv show on television, it's not something I think about when searching for options for emmies. I just think of this guy and realize that it's a genuine depiction of how some people are. And his brand of humor by ways of being an asshole are just shamelessly hillarious. Pulling punches is for other people. From going to lunch with an Arab woman in full gear, to besmirching Mentally challenged people who washed his car, to asking for one of those frapuccino bullshits at Starbucks.

This is good comedy. It's that way because you can relate and because he talks about things that people think about but don't say out loud. for instance, his best friend confesses that he jerked off thinking about his wife and that he thought he should know so he could be proud. Nice. By all means, feed thy comical libido and get lost in the frapuccino bullshit goodness that is Curb your Enthusiasm.

Other notable mentions for sheer realism or what I think is quite accurately reality conveyed through a movie or television medium, watch About Schmidt or Napoleon Dynamite. After all, after a shitty day at work, we need a good laugh, even if it's only comparing movie characters to people you know.


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