May 24, 2006

I might write it, but most of us think it

You see someone from work. You don’t like them. It’s obvious to everyone… except them. They say hello. It aggravates you and lactic acid is released from every muscle fiber in your writing arm as you begin fantasizing about just letting go, loosing it, snapping and bitch slapping that person into oblivion.

You fantasize about what would happen, how would they react, how hard do you think you can hit them and exactly how many fucked up things you would do if you could only have the luxury of a Groundhog Day. Just one chance to show your true colors wanting to genuinely grasp the repercussions of the actions that lay dormant as your morality knows best and you don’t press the accelerator, as you hold the elevator door for someone who doesn’t say thank you.

The pencil fascinates you for it’s blunt weapon nature where in fantasy vampires could succumb to it. You wonder if you could really choke that person with the telephone chord and you imagine all the traps you would lay for the people you most justifiably don’t like.

You tease yourself with scenarios of pulling into the CEO’s office and pissing on his face. You long for the opportunity to bang all the creatives that dick around all day instead of working as they well should be. You wonder just how many vodkatinis you need to bang the secretary and secretly desire that the AE’s car came with defective brakes.

How bout just slashing the wrists of the high and might art director? What if you could smash the copywriters skull with his 40 pound dictionary? I just know you’d love to tar and feather that uptight bitch that stomps her way like some amazon woman, when she can’t even fathom what it takes to get a job without daddy’s help.

It’s ok my friends, these are your 10 minutes to think about the darkest most fucked up things you’d really like to do to someone in your office. Feel like sharing? By all means share the wealth and exorcise the demons!!!


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